Isle Royale National Park: Foot Trails Water Routes


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Isle Royale National Park: Foot Trails & Water Routes  is Jim DuFresne’s classic to Michigan’s first national park, known on  the Lake Superior island as the “backpacker’s bible.” The guidebook to  the wilderness areas of Isle Royale has been in publication for more  than 30 years but in this edition has been coverted to full color and  paired up with downloadable maps.

Isle Royale National Park: Foot Trails & Water Routes  provides everything you need to know for an island adventure. The  192-page book contains chapters on the park’s flora, fauna, fishing  opportunities and history as well as complete directions for trails and  waterways, including mileage, difficulty and amenities at each  destination. More than 70 color photos and 35 maps of the park’s  backcountry round out the guidebook.

Isle Royale National Park: Foot Trails and Water Routes  is the first to blend a printed guidebook with digital, downloadable  content. Trail maps in this book are accompanied by a QR code that will  link you to the same section of the trail on the  website where you will find a much more detailed map that can be  downloaded onto your mobile device or printed and used while hiking.  Also on the website page are links to the Avenza Map Store that will  enable you to download the same map with georeferencing.


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